“Wake Up. Kick Ass. Be Kind. Repeat”
I don’t know about you but I just love the phrase “Wake Up. Kick Ass, Be Kind, Repeat” I think I need to adopt this as my new morning mantra!
I’m sure you’d agree that the last year has been a very trying time to say the least. I can confess it’s been both eye-opening as well as a truly reflective time in relation to most areas of my life.
The last year has been a year of setting new intentions, confirming the things which are most important and above all deciding to stop running scared and “just do it”! I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I must confess, I think I’ve been playing much too small, procrastinating on my ideas and the things I’d like to achieve. I feel the last year has forced me to stop, think and ask the question “What is it that you truly want to live a fulfilled life?” I know I’m not alone. I’ve had friends who I know have asked themselves the same question, forced because of circumstances to re-evaluate not only what they really want, but having to make sometimes major life changes due to the issues that this global pandemic has forced them to make for both them and their families.
This unpredictable period has made me more determined and more focused on achieving my goals and to be able to touch the lives of as many women as I can. Those who may be stuck and who need a listening ear or those who really feel it’s time for them to level-up and need a helping hand. There’s been so many women who have reached out to me who have lost their jobs, or their relationship have ended or they have come to the realisation that they just want more – no longer happy to just plod along and ‘go with the flow’ but who are really ,maybe for the first time in a long time, evaluating what changes they need to make in their lives to make feel alive again.
Practice self-care
Take time to reflect
As women, it’s very easy to put the needs of everyone else before ourselves, particularly as wives, girlfriends and mothers and it’s something we tend to do all the time. Coming to the realisation that self-love is something they need to not only speak about but start practising is usually the first step as well as acknowledging and accepting that it’s also something not to feel guilty about. Yes, be kind to others but we also owe it to be kind ourselves.
There’s no more time for procrastination or self-doubt, only self-love.
So……the new mantra is “Wake Up. Kick Ass. Be Kind. Repeat ….who’s joining me?
Angie x